World Barista Championships: Busan, Korea, 2024.
Competitor Jack Simpson secures 2nd Place using a Natural Pacamara Coffee grown by Jhonathan Gasca.
Recommended Brewing Recipe
We're very excited to have secured a batch of this world class coffee; and even more excited for you to try it!
Here's the recipe we recommend for you to get the most out of your Award Winning beans!
For Pourover, on a brewer of your choice:
18g of coffee, ground coarse -- If you're using a Comandante grinder you're looking for 20 clicks.
The optimal water temperature is 96 degrees celsius. For best results use high quality mineral water, and treat your water for hardness.
Pour 1: 70g pour
Pour 2, at 30 seconds: 50g pour
Pour 3, at 50 seconds: 90g pour
Pour 4, at 1 minute and 20 seconds: 90g pour
You're aiming for a total amount of water poured at 300g, and a brew time of 2 minutes and 15 seconds.
In the cup you're looking for notes of cherry, raspberry, hibiscus, cacao -- we're super interested in what you can taste, too! Drop us a DM on the gram or let us know when you pop in!